Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tonight is the first night...

since the last exams that I have felt like I could actually relax. My wonderful wonderful boyfriend got us a water heater!!! Since you don't know the significance of that...imagine taking and ice cold shower everyday for five months straight with no knowledge of when there would ever be a possibility of having one again! Got it? Yeah...well that is what I have been going through. If you think it is something that would be easy go give up...try doing it! The only thing I had that was even remotely warm was taking a shower from some warm rain water after the sun had been out all day! I sware I think I made my boyfriend jealous due to my moaning so much over the hot shower! Mwuahahaha!

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After monday no class until January!!!!!!!


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