Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The latest!

A couple of months ago my doctor told me that I am in remission!  I may have some liver problems due to the transplant but it's nothing they can't handle.  Just thought I'd let people know!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry it took so long

I guess I have to admit that updating this thing with info on my condition isn't always the most fun. However, after receiving a comment that I needed to update I guess I should. Anyway, it's now May and I started chemo again. Side effects are a bit more noticeable now. I'm not sure if it's because I have someone around to complain to that makes me notice them more. Anyway lot's have happened since then and I'm sure I'll find a way to recap it all but I just wanted to leave a little update to let anyone know who is actually reading this that I'm still alive and still fighting.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Day Four

What did I accomplish yesterday? I went to the mailbox and found a letter from the college which basically stated that only 1 out of 3 transcript requests came in and in addition to that I need my high school transcripts. So I called my old high school and got that request put in. I also requested for my transcripts again from the other two colleges. I also called my doctor to let them know that the pain had increased and they basically ok'd all the acetopminophen as long as I don't go over the max per day and also restated that the next time they would see me would be some time in January -_-

What am I going to accomplish today? Social Security.

Pain: It's there but I barely feel it due to the appropriate amounts of acetominophen =)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Day Three

What did I accomplish yesterday? Well I will just say that sorting through old paperwork is so damn distracting *sigh*. Still not done -_-

What am I going to accomplish today? I have decided that since there are lots of pressing things that I need to do for both starting school in January and also getting funding so that my new doctor can start all the CT and PET scans I have decided to split it up to medical stuff during the day and school stuff at night. Kinda woke up late today but I am going to go to the mailbox and see if I have any mail from the college. Also, I am going to track down all the phone numbers I will need in order to call the school/doctor's office tomorrow.

Pain update: Went up since I saw the Doc on Monday. I went from taking 500mg of Acetominophen every six hours to now taking 750mg of Acetominophen every six hours or really as needed b/c I am not supposed to go over 2000mg in one day.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day Two

What did I accomplish yesterday? After looking online for phone numbers and such I realized that I was doing a lot of double work that I had already done during the last 6 months. So I marched myself into the other room and decided to tackle this suitcase of nothing but paperwork >.> So not happy about that! Anyway, I decided that it's better to start off organized so as to not waste more time later on looking for this paper or that when I need it in a hurry.

What am I going to accomplish today? I am going to finish going through that crap load of paperwork and hopefully be able to find out the status of my application to Social Security.

MeDUH says (10:04 AM):
I would not be surprise if it said "You fell off the face of the earth so we assumed you died - CLAIM DENIED"
Mister Nice Guy says (10:06 AM):
This agency firmly believes that the world is flat.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Day One

Title Change...again!
From: "Living Lotus - ramblings of my adventure in life"

To: "Fighting Lotus - ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape"

Monday, November 20, 2006

What type of Fae are you?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I have entered the darkside!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Title Change...again!

From: "Loving Lotus - ramblings of my adventure in omega love"

To: "Living Lotus - ramblings of my adventures in life"


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