Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am so not used to the holidays here...

I was on my first class of the day when another teacher comes up to me (in the middle of me ranting to my students because not one of them did the homework) we will call her Nice Teacher because I really don't know her name but she has always been so nice to me, and says, "La Directora wants to know where you were yesterday?"

Me: WHAT? Yesterday was a Holiday!?!?!
Nice Teacher:
Me: Oh My God you ar KIDDING ME!?!?!?
Nice Teacher: Yeah cause La Directora was saying I wonder where Lotus is?
Me: Oh My God I was reading the says there was a holiday (rumages through papers) it says it riiiight...oh my god...I thought that because there was a holiday on the Saturday class schedule and there was Holiday comining up on a Monday that they must naturally be on the same weekend (they weren't, Dominicans have holidays practically every other day). Well tell La Directora that I will come by after this class.

Anyway, the class finished and I was trying to rationalize not actually going to her office afraid that she would say well I don't care that you weren't here yesterday but can you sub for me for the rest of your life...she has a tendency to use my guilt to her advantage. After getting something to eat for breakfast I did feel more at ease going to talk to her. To my surprise she was very understanding so I thought. We were chit chatting and talking about how hard it was for me to get used to all the holidays and that I even had given the schedule to someone else to look at and they made the same mistake. Then she hits me with, "So Lotus why did you say you couldn't take a second class on Saturdays?". I JUST KNEW IT WAS COMING!!! I managed to explain to her that due to teaching from morning to night monday through friday and knowing from last term that I was teaching two saturday classes all I did when I got home on Saturday was sleep, eat, and go back to sleep and not wake up until Sunday afternoon. I told her that it was hard for me to get used to living with my boyfriend and having to take care of all the stuff we have to do at home, wash my own clothes by hand, clean the house, etc. Fortunately she understood and relented. I did manage to tell her that the one Saturday that I did sub this term that I fell in love with the class because I taught three of the same class last term and that it was very hard (yeah right) to turn down that class. Finally, the phone rang and I weaseled out of her office.

Anyway back to my class that I was teaching...I could just kill them, seriously. I wanted to choke each and every one of them minus a new student,Isael, who wasn't actually new because he was on the roster since day one but just didn't come to class. I asked him, in spanish, where he was and I'm not sure why I even did that because I didn't understand a word he said. Thursday when I gave out the homework and the project to do AT HOME, these kids (Yosihiro, Rosa, Hissa, Ingrid and Katherine) apparently forgot that HOMEWORK means to do it AT HOME, they said they understood. I explained to them that they had pages 2, 3, and 5 in their workbook. I even opened the workbook and pointed to each page and said in spanish, HOMEWORK, must have been three times and even asked them if they understood, IN SPANISH. For the project I acted out posterboard, acted out drawing the numbers, pointed in the book where the little girl was doing the same thing, acted out coloring, mentioning all the different colors, and even acted out cutting them into seperate "flashcard" type of cards...followed by "ENTIENDEN USTEDES?"...and they all nodded their cute little heads, YES.

What do I see when I come into the room?

Their notebooks open, pencils in hand, drawing numbers on a piece of paper.

They seemed to understand when I said IN ENGLISH...what are you doing?...they knew how to look guilty. I followed it with saying, "ZERO(pointing to each student)" and they understood so well then they stopped drawing and put their pencils down and closed their notebooks. When I said, "Why didn't you do your homework, TAREA?" all of a sudden I get the response, "Que? No entiendo."

At that point I didn't care if they understood me or not. My response was, "Oh don't try that with me!"

Three(Yosihiro, Hissa and Ingrid) out of the six students that were in the class have taken this class before and failed it so I wasn't about to take anything. In addition to that, the ones that have taken the class before have major attitudes(namely Hissa and Yosihiro), it's quite funny actually.

I proceded to ask them if they wanted to pass the class, in spanish. They nodded their heads yes.

I was relieved when Nice Teacher came by and peeped her head in because I told her what was going on since one of the students was her's in the last class(Yosihiro). She hit home, in all spanish, that they basically needed to do their homework or we will be calling their parents, yadda yadda yadda.

I like to see them squirm when we talk about calling their parents, mwuahahah!

Anyway, I think I finally have a settled schedule which is the following:

(By the way all these kids have a primary school and they come to the Institute that I am at just to learn English)

Mondays: New Parade I(5th, 6th, 7th graders), SuperGoal II(9th and 10th graders), Upclose I(approximately 16+)

Tuesdays: New Parade II(6th, 7th, 8th graders), Phonics I and II(1st, 2nd, 3rd graders), Upclose I(approximately 16+)

Wednesdays: New Parade I(5th, 6th, 7th graders), SuperGoal II(9th and 10th graders)

Thursdays: New Parade II(6th, 7th, 8th graders), Phonics I and II(1st, 2nd, 3rd graders), Upclose I(approximately 16+)

Fridays: New Parade I(5th, 6th, 7th graders), SuperGoal II(9th and 10th graders)

Saturdays: Phonics II(1st, 2nd, 3rd graders)

Did I mention this is only my second full term teaching?

No official schooling and no official training of any kind but...



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