Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spanish lesson of the day

o-ver-kill Pronunciation Key (vr-kl) n.

(AKA = the student that practically falls out of his/her chair so they may raise their hand higher than the rest of the class while simultaniously screaming, "TEACHER TEACHER OH OH OH")

1. Destruya con más fuerza nuclear de la necesaria


  • At Saturday, March 04, 2006 5:22:00 PM, Blogger Lotus said…

    I'm actually teaching in Santiago. I have always wanted to I figured I would give it a try and it has ended up being the best job I have ever had. No necessarity due to the Administration but I really like it a lot! No, it's not with an organization. I just basically applied. I supposed it did help that I had a friend's father that knew the Director of the school and got me past the interview process.


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