Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another day at the office...

Today my one of classes with "little ones" in it had to take an exam. So the exam went well and so after the exam while I was grading them I allowed them to run around the room playing whatever game they came up with at the moment. All of a sudden one of the boys, Kevin, starts crying and I look over and one of the girls seems pissed off and everyone was trying to tell me what happened, of course in spanish, and I didn't understand anything because they were talking too fast. Anyway, so I told the girl to politely say "I'm sorry" because we aren't supposed to be hitting anyone anyway. So they all went back to playing and the next thing I know, Kevin, is crying again. Right when I looked at him and he started thing I know...there is blood all over him coming from his nose. Of course I think to myself, HOLY F***ing SHIT!!! So I rush him to the Directors office and she tended to him. Later on in the day I came back to find out how things went with the boy and how his mother took the info. The response I received was, "Don't worry it was probably just the heat of the day because he was running around playing and everyone gets nose bleeds".......

ok...if you say so...

<3 Lotus

Monday, November 28, 2005

How much more can I bend over?

So I tell the students in my 730pm class, last monday, that there isn't going to be an oral exam(thinking they will be happy) and that I am going the base the grade off of their participation and attendance. They weren't very happy so what do I do? I give them a 5 page assignment. What else do I do? I tell them that they can take it home (it's an exam mind you). What ELSE do I do? I tell them that it is due on Friday, before you take the written portion of the exam. What do you think happens? Friday comes and only one person turns in the 5 page oral assignment. I politely give this person +10 on it and tell the rest of the students to give it to me on Monday and it will get -10 right away due to it being late. They moaned and groaned and were eventually over it. I had mentally made a note that still none of them were going to have the 5 page-take home-for two days or more-oral exam ready and I was just going to end up grading them on participation and attendance anyway and that I was going to wait until Monday just to see if anyone would actually have it ready. Well these people are so predictable. Knowing I had spent my ONLY day off, Sunday, grading exams, papers, homework, and quizes from other classes, I go into class on Monday hoping to be able to close all the grades. Yup, none, not one had it ready. As a matter of fact, when I walked into the room they all had their papers on the desk basically copying from each other.

There are no words for how I felt at that moment...I think if I had a gun and could have killed them all and got away with it, would have been too good for them.

<3 Profesora Lotus

PS. I spent like 30 minute yelling at them. Afterwards they responded with the typical Dominican response...Teacher, you need two beers!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Awesome Christmas Chorus Concert

You are all welcome to view the videos I took from that night. I have only managed to get three of them up so far though! I will add more as soon as I can get them up. I guess now, I am going to have to learn how to edit videos too! >.< I have some that are a bit too dark etc.

View more video clips at Yashi

Friday, November 25, 2005

Ok so this is how my Thanksgiving went with my students

830am Conversation class - listened to music while I gave them a quiz

1000am break I came home to find this on my roof. My friend Lilli kindly
suggested that I could always use it as a subsitute chicken. =)

230pm Phonics class - these kids always have so much energy.

430pm Conversation class - listened to music while I gave them a quiz, also.

600pm Conversation class - listened to music while I gave them a quiz.
This is my favorite of the bunch incase I haven't mentioned it in the past.

730pm UpClose II class - is where my Thanksgiving basically started ^^!!!
The buffet consisted of salami, cheese, crackers, candy and the famous Red Rock soda!

I think this cup is what Dominicans call "blessed".

Are these two students cheating or is it just me?

AHH The "blessed" Red Rock soda...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Unhappy Thanksgiving!

In a pm to my sister Minda:

faith says:
Happy Thanksgiving from a third world country that finds every excuse in the world to drink but doesn't make pumpkin pie and doesn't celebrate DAMN THANKSGIVING!!!
faith says:
*cant wait to come home*
faith says:
no turkey *cries*

I don't care if it IS an American Holiday!

Phonics I Tu/Thu 300pm

(L to R) Jhendry, Michael, Jehu, Javier, Vangelly, Lisette

The guys! They guy on the right is Kevin, he wasn't in the other pic.

The girls! Believe it or not, they stood that way all by themselves.

They are just too funny!

<3 Lotus

The Which Punctuation Mark Are You Test

Question mark

You are the soul of the inquiring mind--you are the glory of the
scientist and the bane of the pseudo-scientist. But, more than that,
you, more than any other, can indicate changes in pitch in dialogue.
What other punctuation mark can do that? Yes, you are one of the
"common herd." So? The problem with that is . . . ? You get along well
with others, because they all respect you. You have no natural enemies.

Link: The Which Punctuation Mark Are You Test written by Gazda on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So yeah that was a long weekend...

After Saturday I just rested...Monday started a whole new week of all new HELL. I say Hell because this week is exam two week.

I think these students literally have no idea what a teacher goes through. I know this to be a fact because when I was in school I didn't think about what the teacher goes through one iota and I was a student that LIKED school. Now that I am a teacher I feel bad for all the teachers that I didn't do my homework for, didn't pay attention in school to, talked in their class when they were talking, etc.

Why do I give them homework, they may wonder? Well, since studying is boring to most people, I have to give them a purpose. If they are more willing to do it since it's called homework then so be it. It's kinda hard to grade someone that says they studied since there is nothing tangible to look at.

Why do I give quizes? Well, since students who don't like to study are given homework and since the same students that don't like to do homework end up doing it at the last minute, right before class the next day, I have to find out if they really studied or just copied the homework from another student, which happens a lot. In the end usually the students figure out things the backwards way. I have to study for my quizes because they help me for my exam. I have to do my homework because it helps me to study for my quizes. I have to listen in class in order to find out what the homework is about and what the homework actually is.

Unfortunately these students don't understand this until 1/3 of the way through the term when they have already taken the first exam and pretty much screwed themselves over. This is when I get a lot of long faces and a lot of questions like this:

Oh teacher I don't know what to do!
How can I make my grade better?
Why are my grades bad?

The funny thing is that these questions usually come from the people that come to class late, are not coming to class at all, don't do their homework, do poorly on quizes, ask me to repeat myself due to them talk during class.

The funny a teacher, the smallest things make me happy. One of my students made me a cd of different music the other day. Some other things I have received were drawings, candy, lots of hugs and kisses (from the little ones), and tons of smiles.

I really do enjoy being a teacher believe it or not!

<3 Lotus

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Well graduation sucked but the afterparty...

was pretty is proof

Friday, November 18, 2005


Can someone please tell me if you are seeing the same problem? Basically there is this cybercafe that I used to get internet from for free due to my association with the "technician" (I put in quotes b/c it's not like they paid him at all, and assumed that we were happy with just getting free internet from them) that repairs the pcs there. I dont go there anymore b/c we have dsl at home....GOOD RIDDANCE FCKERS j/k /bawi (iRO for "holding up a fist towards someone")...anyway I went there yesterday b/c I was bored and felt like being around the few acquaintances that I have there while I drank my Presidente beer ^^. While I was looking at my blog I noticed that my right sidebar is all the way down at the bottom of the screen so you have to scroll all the way down before you even see the first thing on my right sidebar. When I am at home it all seems normal so please if you are seeing this please tell me and if you know please suggest how to fix it!

<3 Lotus

PS. I'm off to get my hair cut and washed and all that jazz for the graduation ceremony tonight. After that we are going to the best hotel in the city for dinner WOOT FREE FOOD!! <3 IT! And after that I believe I'm going out with my pana (spanish for closest friend), Indira, to get drunk, WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO, first time I'll be able to get drunk here!! YES YES YES I'll have my camera WOOHOO!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Took a pic of some of my classes...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What I found while I was wasting time one day!

All I can say is...."Stupid men! *shakes her head*"

Blogs that are worth a one time look but...

not one that I would read everyday. (Will continuously be updated)

added on 01-21-2006
Mark's Musings
added on 11-16-2005
Blog da Carolina!!!
added on 11-23-2005
High School Blows
Japan - The Adventure

What kind of friend are you?

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

What kind of mage are you?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The purpose of my blog...

has evolved through many things. At first it was just to chronicle about life in Dominican Republic. Then it turned into talking about my travels in general. Now, I suppose it will encompass just everything about living in Dominican Republic, my everyday life, and more. I will try as much as possible to tie it back to Dominican Republic as much as possible, for those of my friends and family that are keeping up with what is going on and are curious about life in another country.

Anyway, as far as today, it was normal...but incase anyone is interested to see just what a "normal day" is like for me I'll try to divulge as much as possible. A lot seems to get lost when I generalize my day anyway. There are subtle cultural differences that don't come across when I am vague. So lets see...

730am Woke up to get ready for class and went right back to la la
800am Got out of bed and got dressed.
815am Left for class.
830am Arrived at school and started the first class which is Conversation (basically the student's last class before they move on to advanced english or they can be completed altogether if they want to, approximate age is between 16-20, sometimes there are older students too.)
915am First class is over, went home, went back to sleep since I didn't go to sleep until 6am lastnight
200pm Woke up and got ready for class again
215pm Walked to class
230pm Arrived and started Phonics Class (basically is made up of first, second, and third graders that are learning their letters and basic frequently used words such as my, is, on, the. During this class I ended up having an issue with one of the students named Jehu (pronounced hey-oo). Basically he was pounding away on two of the other students...not totally sure why but this little boy just has a lot of pent up anger. He refuses to speak in english, what little he knows, refuses to do his inclass work, and refuses to do his homework. He recently had an exam that we spent three weeks reviewing for and it consisted of knowing three letters S, T, B and four words my, is, on, the. He did ok, meaning he copied off of another student mostly. It's hard to explain to a child that he/she needs to have repect for themselves and not to assume that his/her neighbor is more intelligent than themselves, blah blah blah, and much more difficult to explain to a child that speaks another language. I just basically try my best to seperate them as much as possible and I keep pointing at thier own paper which brings their attention back to the correct paper in front of them. Anyway, I sent him to the office and had the secretary to call his mother. Him mother came, she speaks no english, and I had to try to explain to her why she had to come to class early just to pick up her student...fortunately my spanish skills have gotten better because she had not problems with taking him home and I think that pounding your fist into your other hand is universal for "someone has been fighting". Class what much better after that I must say.)
430pm Phonics came to an end and my second class of Conversation students began and there was nothing significan to talk about
545pm Conversation class ended and off to next class
600pm Conversation class number three was a bit difficult because of one student in particular, his name is Josef, currently he has 9 absences (you are only allowed 8) so the Director told me that he can stay in the class but he needs to have documentation that states why he could not be in class, he was told on Monday to bring this today, he didn't. When I asked him if he had it he basically responded by saying that he doesn't have it YET! >.> So I told him that he needed to bring it no later than Thursday. Then I asked him if he had the makeup homework that I allowed him to do since he was absent all of last week and he responded by saying that he will have that also on Thursday. I continued on with class and one of the activities called for a group participation. I put Josef in a group with only one other student and Josef basically told me that he doesn't go to sleep until around 4am in the morning so he doesn't feel like participating. I had the attitude of "whatever" and let him do his thing. I moved the other student to another group. At this point Josef interrupts the class to tell me that he going to sit there and do the homework that was given to him lastnight. I didn't say any. I just nodded and continued with class. A few moments later he politely, I must say, requested to leave the class early. At that point I didn't really want him in the class and he was disturbing the other students so I let him go. After class ended I went to the Director's office and told her of what happened to Josef today and she said that we need to sit him down and talk with him. I left it at that until tomorrow.
715pm Class ended and I was off to the last class of the day.
730pm Arrived at the last class called Up Close II which consist of students of the same approximate age as Conversation...these students have three more classes (Grammar, Up Close III, and Up Close IV) to go through until they are able to be in Conversation. This class is going to be the death of me. Imagine having a class clown in the class, and now imagine having a class FILLED with nothing but class clowns. That is this class. Enough said.
845pm Classes finally are over.

Pleasantly enough, I was greeted by Roman and his sister Indira, mi pana (Dominican for best or favorite friend) and we all went to my favorite maimi-ish restaurant, Sabor. The food there is some of the most delicious food I have had here in Santiago. Not only is it good but it is a piece of edible art. The way they prepair the food makes you want to take a picture of it before you actually eat it. The atmosphere, minus the beach, is very miami-ish. The colors they use for the building, the shape of the building and is right next to a bar owned by the owner's son. Someday I will have my camera with me and pass by there during the day AND at night so I can post the pic here so stay tuned.

AHH, off to sleep on a full tummy! ^^

<3 Lotus

PS. By the way for the record, my hard drive that has all my pics on it is failing so I might have to move it to my C drive that is working without problems, so the adding picture fest is over for the moment. *cries*

Well today on my blog...

I added some new fun stuff on the side (All fun and games, Blogs I'm reading and I don't know why, Friend's blogs, Visitor's blogs, Recent Comments, and some Quizes). As some people might see I also updated the template recently and I was kind pissed about loosing all my links but eh...ya live and ya learn. Tomorrow I'm gonna add the Quizes to the "All Fun and Games" section. Another addition to today is that I have found my camera from the move and will officially start carrying it with me everywhere again!

<3 Lotus

Monday, November 14, 2005

Quiz: What's Your Roleplaying Stereotype?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Quiz time...

Friday, November 11, 2005

I hate hospitals!

I woke up at about 3am, I am guessing, in the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. And I am one that is used to being in pain all the time due to being lactose intolerant and still liking milk. I get stomach aches all the time but the pain for that comes and goes and is not as intense. Anyway, I was crying and throwing up. Finally Roman and I decided to go to the hosital where they diagnosed me with Kidney Stones. They took me to my room and doped me up on pain meds but due to how expensive the hospital was we had no choice but to go back home. I am still waiting for it/them to pass which is when another "round" of pain is going to be. Anyway, when I came home I was able to do some research and I found a place that made it simple for me to understand.

Kidney Stones in Adults

<3 Lotus

Photo I found from 07/30/2005...

and edited using a photostitching software that came with my camera. So in the future when I have a pic like this I will add it like this and others will be shown as normal:

right click here and choose SAVE TARGET AS for image

<3 Lotus

Monday, November 07, 2005

Added pics to...

08/09/2005 and 07/27/2005...slowly but surely I'll get em all!


aren't they a killer? I just spent the last week giving exams, and here because I am teaching english to spanish people I have to give a written and an oral exam. So basically the exam takes between 1-3 days. This is for 1...2...3...4...5...6...7 yeah 7 different classes. On top of that, make class plans for the new material, blah, blah, blah. Finally today I am able to start uploading some pics to the blog, I know I know you are all are COMPLETELY EXCITED!!! WOOHOO! -_- ok so off to add some pics.