Fighting Lotus

the ramblings of my adventures in dealing with governmental red tape

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Exams and Tests of a different kind

The downside to going to other countries is that my body is not going to be immune to a lot of the common illnesses of the area. I have been sick with he "common cold" more times in the last 8 months than I have in my entire life.

Approximately two months ago I went to a clinic due to experiencing a lot of pain in my neck area on the right side. The doctor examined my neck and found no abnormalities but recommended that I have my thyroid checked. Fortunately, the tests came back negative. The doctor also stated that I had probably just pulled a muscle and I just needed to take these pills and it will go away. I was not convinced due to the type of pain I was feeling was not in an area of my neck that would logically get "strained".

I proceded to get a second opinion. This was against the recommendation of some of my close friends and family due to cost. After I met my new doctor that was recommended to me by a fellow teacher I was immediately happier. She stated that she could see the "lump" in my throat without even having to touch me. Immediately, she recommended every test and exam that she could possibly think of.

I couldn't really afford all of tests and exams at the same time so I had to spread them out a bit. The first one that I took was the x-ray of my neck which, I think, didn't allow the doctor to conclude anything. The second was the sonogram that gave a bit more definition to the "lump". The doctor(he was more like a technician in my opinion) that had completed that sonogram indicated to me that there were no serious problems and I had nothing to worry about (not for one second did I really believe in that). The third was the long list of blood tests such as mono, ppd (tuberculosis), etc (I don't know the name of the rest). The fourth was the most expensive of them all, the CAT scan. As soon as the results of the final test were available we rushed over to my doctor's office and got there just in time to see her leaving. She was nice enough to take us into an available room and look over everything. She stated that I had tested positive for the PPD test which is the Tuberculosis test and also stated that now there is not only one "lump" but tens of lumps all around my neck. I had previously been prescribed antibiotics from the first day that she saw me and they had no effect on the original "lump" which is why she proceded to state that even though I had tested positive for Tuberculosis that most likely I don't have it (since antibiotics are the treatment/cure). This leaves my doctor still unsure as to what the cause of the "lumps" are but sure as to where they are. She has recommended that I get a biopsy of one of the lumps so that she can have a better idea as to what the cause is and what the treatment should be. She mentioned a few things that I wasn't fast enough to commit to memory. The only thing I did remember was the term Lymphoma. I am trying to not work myself up into a frenzy to the point where I am so depressed that I don't even want to get out of bed. The pain and lethargy are the most debilitating issues, especially with all the school work that I have and exam week is in full swing.

I don't want to die alone and in this third world country!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Teaching is like a drug!

Being able to make a difference in peoples lives gives you a rush
You have to take the good with the bad
It's the Administration that overshadows the fun
However for some reason you still keep coming back for more!



"touches elbows together, twice"(Friends)

*followed by other ways of saying FU without actually saying it*

Thursday, March 02, 2006


So yeah one of La Directora's underlings came to my Up Close I class tonight and told me that I had to let them out of the class about 5 minutes early because the whole class wanted to come and talk to her. This, of course, was a surprise to me because not one of them has come to me to indicate that there was any kind of problem. On top of that, they are over half way through the class. In my defense these kids/adults have barely been doing their homework. I took their workbooks home with me to grade and found that 3 of the students had a workbook that had previously belonged to another student and was completely finished. Not only that but these students are either REALLY REALLY stupid, I mean the most moronic kind, or they think that I am the stupid moronic one to not notice that there was another student's name in the very beginning of the workbook. Either way it's not looking good for the future of this class. In addition to my defense, I have visited a student or two from the same class to find out why they have not been coming to class. The response that I received was, "It interferes with work and I didn't feel like coming". I knew this class was doomed to hell from the first day because when I was talking, no one was understanding anything. When I gave the first homework, everyone came back saying, "We had homework? (in spanish)". I taught Up Close II last term and that was hard but these students understand NOTHING! When I took the class I figured that it would be better and maybe a bit easier since I managed to get through Up Close II last term. I think the problem with Up Close I is that they need to be "broken in". I am really hoping that La Directora takes this class from me since it starts at 7:30pm. She had another teacher go into the class tonight to talk to the students again to find out what some of the issues were. He came back with things such as:

1. The students are saying that you give homework for information that you have never taught before.

Response: Before the first exam I was giving homework as more of a preteaching exercise. The work was not graded just merely looked at as to whether they made an attempt at it or not and then we went over the answers in class during my teaching of the information. Since I found that I couldn't reason with them and explain to them that this is what I was doing and that not completing the entire homework was not hurting them...I decided to change my method. Before the second exam I was giving homework only after I had taught the material. At times I would tell the students on a Monday that they needed to complete all exercises for this Unit in the workbook and give it to me by Friday. During the same week is when I would be teaching the information. I guess some of the students still looked at that as I was giving homework for information that I had not yet taught but once again I could not communicate this to them...not like anyone of the students questioned me on it anyway.

2. The students say that you are talking to fast.

Response: Once again, none of the students mentioned this, not even the ones who I knew without a doubt understood what I was saying. (so I was you mean to tell me that the entire class got together to decide to talk to the director but not one time did they decide to get together with one of the students that knew english a bit better than the rest to tell me that there was any kind of problem...hmmm)


Some side info:

I signed up, last year, for a teacher's course that helped you to be a better teacher. The teacher that they sent into my Up Close I class tonight is the one who is teaching this course.

He asked me why I had not been in the teacher's class and I responded with, "What teacher's class?"
His response was, "O.O! The one on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00pm"
I said, "Oh how nice, and conveniently La Directora KNEW that I didn't have any classes at that time and never once said anything to me. Oh by the way, when did the class start?"
He said, "February"
I said, "Wonderful... -_-, I guess I'll be attending them now"

I think that La Directora didn't tell me about this class because all this time she has been trying to get me to take another group at this same time. I already have 7 groups when most other teachers have 3. Another thing that I found out that she conveniently didn't tell me was that the next spanish class starts in March (there is only one every four months or so). If I remember correctly she told me that it was starting in April when all my other classes would be finished and I can sign up again. She apparently doesn't want me to learn spanish.

The subject about La Directora that I have yet to publish in my blog due to the fact that just thinking about it works me up into such a frenzy that I get seriously sick and end up in bed for the rest of the about PAY, MONEY, DINERO, MULAH!!! She isn't paying me what she told me she was going to pay me. *stops there before she works herself up into another frenzy*

Basically it's to the point where I can't stand to look at her, hear her, or even mention her name.

As a suggestion from quite a few others...I will be looking for a better school.