Sick and homesick!
Well this is officially my first time getting sick in this country and it sucks. I guess lately I have been cooling myself off in the evening by wetting my hair and my face slightly since I have the fan on all the time I guess that's why I am getting sick. Fortunately you
Add Imagedon't need prescriptions here for most medications. Not only that but the price is even cheaper than when I had insurance in the states. Roman was nice enough to go get the throat losanges and the cold medicine for me at this hour of the morning. My throat was hurting so much that I couldn't even talk. I had to write what I wanted.
As for the homesick part...I really miss my sister, Minda. I usually think that I am incapable of such feelings but I surprised myself by bursting into tears when I saw this picture again.
I did actually get to talk to my grandmother yesterday. She says she is doing better but I don't believe her. I also miss just being in the states. hearing english speaking people, watching english tv, listening to english radio, being able to call to my friends and family 24/7 and actually being able to know the price of the call, having my friends and family call me at anytime, knowing when I'll have running water and electricity, having aircondition, being able to go to the store when I want, being able to drive myself, my apartment, having a washer and dryer, and the list goes on and on. I have learned to wash all my clothes by hand and then hang them up to dry. Here, there are no laundromats. Most people do not have dryers. Basically, that means that it will be very long time before I use a dryer sheet and feel my towels nice and fluffy. If you have every line dried things before you will notice that the towels are very stiff after you take them off the line. Just a is also easier to clean thing the very day you take them off. So basically, the days of letting laundry file up until the end of the week and then do it all in one completely gone. As a girl, it is expected that you already know how to clean your own personal things. So I clean my panties in the shower and then hang them to dry on a hanger in my room. I guess I write about this because people in this country don't remember to tell you these things because I think they have been doing it so long that it's not in the forefront of their minds. Even Chen was joking with me one time when we didn't have any running water in the kitchen at all, not just for that moment. It was my first night eating in the apartment and I was finished with my plate and I said, "So what do I do with this (with no water)?" She laughed and said, "Wash it the old fashioned way!" and I looked sideways at her and said, "What is the old fashioned way?" She started laughing so I was too embarassed to push the question but I guess she thought I was kidding. Anyway, I finally told her two days later that I still didn't know what "wash it the old fashioned way" meant. She told me that it meant putting the water into a bucket and use that to wash the dishes. Needless to say after that difficulty in learning how to wash the dishes with no running water, I DEFINATELY didn't want to ask her how I was supposed to wash my panites *cries* /swt /swt2.
New phrase in spanish = Dame los lentes ( Give me the glasses (eyeglass).
*New foods I have eaten = Avocado sandwiches, casabe, Red Rock soda (rasberry), mangu, fried platanoes
Observations = I sware, if people could charge for breathing air in this country, they would but I actually got my eyeglasses repaired for free!!! I was amazed beyond words!!!
Add Imagedon't need prescriptions here for most medications. Not only that but the price is even cheaper than when I had insurance in the states. Roman was nice enough to go get the throat losanges and the cold medicine for me at this hour of the morning. My throat was hurting so much that I couldn't even talk. I had to write what I wanted.

New phrase in spanish = Dame los lentes ( Give me the glasses (eyeglass).
*New foods I have eaten = Avocado sandwiches, casabe, Red Rock soda (rasberry), mangu, fried platanoes
Observations = I sware, if people could charge for breathing air in this country, they would but I actually got my eyeglasses repaired for free!!! I was amazed beyond words!!!
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