In this day and age and with all this technology and laws that are available how could you have a third world country (with the exception of places that don't even have a government)? I don't understand how this place could be so bad!! People go to work everyday and there is a government. There is running water and electricity.
No hot water, poweroutages, the drivers who have no concept of traffic laws, the traffic cops that only stand around looking pretty and talking like a bunch of school girls, the extreme, obvious, and intermingles difference in classes, the backwards concept of paying people that do the jobs that benefit the community as a whole that no one wants to do, for example housekeeping. People who get paid about RD2000-RD3000 (60US-100US) per month. Where, in the states, they are paid about 20US per hour. Even considering the exchange rage it is still a drastic difference. If you compare what a Customer Service Rep, working for one of the top three cell phone companies, makes and what a housekeeper in the states makes, the housekeeper in the states makes more, almost one and a half times more. Here in this God Forsaken Country housekeepers makes about one fourth of a customer service job. So when you take out the factor of the exchange rate the difference is unreal. I'm not talking just about the fact that they pay less to housekeepers. I am looking at house backwards this society is. How the percentage of people with alot of money is far less here than it is in the states. I don't think it has anything to do with working hard and innovativeness. I go back and forth between blaming this government and blaming the society, people and culture. It's hard to say who was at fault first the people or the government. What came first the chicken or the egg? I men how the fucking hell can you build an apartment where you have to get two different accounts for the water, one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen since the people who made this damn apartment connected the kitchen piping with our neighbors downstairs. Basically, in order to wash dishes we have to get a bucket and carry the water into the kitchen and pour it into the sink, put in the soap, go back and get another bucket of water (in order to rinse off once you wash it). OH and if we have no water in the house then we have to carry a full bucket of water up four flights of stairs after getting it from outside. NO matter where you get your water from there is always still sand in the bottom of it.
Oh trust me that is not all...