Day Four
What did I accomplish yesterday? I went to the mailbox and found a letter from the college which basically stated that only 1 out of 3 transcript requests came in and in addition to that I need my high school transcripts. So I called my old high school and got that request put in. I also requested for my transcripts again from the other two colleges. I also called my doctor to let them know that the pain had increased and they basically ok'd all the acetopminophen as long as I don't go over the max per day and also restated that the next time they would see me would be some time in January -_-
What am I going to accomplish today? Social Security.
Pain: It's there but I barely feel it due to the appropriate amounts of acetominophen =)
What am I going to accomplish today? Social Security.
Pain: It's there but I barely feel it due to the appropriate amounts of acetominophen =)